Sunday, February 04, 2007

bla bla bla...

WRITE WRITE WRITE SOMETHING…why am I forcing myself to post something..simple explaination.sot…or is it because..i’m trying to let something out..but but but…don’t really know how to…oink..that’s the problem.

Finallyyy this week is ending^^HORRIBLE HORRIBLE week….

2nd last horrible thing happened last night..something came back from the dead and chewed of my ear!Wahhaha..well not literally.How can I be so dumb..blind blind..haih..all the signs were there but no.chose to go against it.The question here is..can I live happily knowing this?aha..don’t really know..yes yes I know it’s the past but still..I DON’T LIKE IT!!AAAAA..-_-


kitt said...
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kitt said...

i wish i'm not de mushroom u noe of at dat time =P
gaah too late... i'm living wif it too. n its rili painful containing that parasite past. i juz wan BB! nothin else

Anonymous said...


Sud feel proud of urself...=P

stupid thing..

but until there's one question left un-asked i can never live in peace!

-From unhappy one-

kitt said...

Ask away =S