Thursday, November 22, 2007


(ya my smile so big until can fit cars houses n trees on it..and wud crush n kill anyone beside or nearby me)

What's wrong with my smile??!!!!!

Seriously what's wrong with it???My mummy said it's TOO BIG..showed me pics of ME WITH MY SO CALLED OVERLY STRETCHED SMILE=.=" za dou..want me to change my SMILE??! what the....what's next change 'the way i WALK?!!!EAT?TALK?goodness...

T0day's Mandarin Class

Learnt a poem :D IT's dedicated for whoever's away from home :)

Chuang gian ming yue quang
Yi shi di shang shuang
Ju(no not PIG..but the 3rd sound) tou wang ming yue
Di tou si gu xiang

(anyone khows which dynasty this is from?:P and the meaning?)

Ma ma qi ma ma man ma ma ma ma
(mother riding horse slow mother scold horse)

Sorry i ommited the sound thingy :P
oh ya one more thing..tday's class teacher looked like brandon..omg...i found another set of twins!!!


kitt said...

Was laughing my pants off at tht drawing XD
owhh wats wrong with big big wide smile! gd for u gd for every1!
shows ur a cheerful and positive person.
+ u look prettier if u smile.
pa etamoo, SMILEEEE! =D translating poem now XD

Anonymous said...

hey ano, where r u now??

Chemical Apple said...

oi.. U learning mandarin now?
ma ma ma ma ma ma

Annabelle Sinda said...

hey anonymous,who are you?:P
Su Lynn?None?Chin?
Currently in msia...Kuching,Sarawak..

Annabelle Sinda said...

Kitt:Laughing your pants off because ITS TRUE?:P

blueapple:YES learning..ntg better to do ler dats y....:P

Anonymous: Han Yin?CANT BE..han yin or tong wud say HEY PIG,where are u now..:P

Anonymous said...

haha, ok..PIG then..
btw, who went to UK??
(from ur previous post)...
im sooo blur....

Annabelle Sinda said...

bzzz reveal URSELF..HAN YIN..?if u the blog on russia ur twin xD MISS U A!!

u can b tong also..*blur*I have a feelin u are:P

OHHHH the uk 1..someone bad that's all from taylors also ..dun worry NOT UxD

Anonymous said...

heee....wana keep u in suspense....
hows LDR? *winks*

Annabelle Sinda said...

ex-LDR u mean?xD we're the moment POOF...u know UR TONG!admit it!


u ano?!!!sooooooo long only comment on my blog..anyways.guess how i recognise u..yes..ur pic..n ur SMILE!!lolx..serious quite big..but ntg's wrong..n u learning mandarin???n accounting?


n OMG..look who's the blur case?i juz saw ur other comments aft i commented..tat wasn't me kay?!!!obviously it's hanyin!! going 2 read the post with 'hanyin' in eh..but actuali im reali blur is it?even ppl here who knw me for not more than 3 months alr conclude tat im blur..@@..

n WHY NVR TELL ME U HV A BLOG?!!n i don call ppl pig ok??porkchop..



n watz LDR again?

whoa..see i leave so many comment..*faint*'s 2.30am now..i mustn't spend too much time on this post...blekk

Annabelle Sinda said...

bubabiba?I have a friend last time her nick name was Biba..real name Eva.Try saying Biba really fast..xD bibabibabibabibabiba..

maybe pl say ur blur coz u always say.."HUH??!"when ppl talking..rude la..xD

im learning accounting?wah?where?i wished xD

Han Ying doesnt call me ano eh...

*blurer than tong*

kitt said...

wahh 13 comments.
only can make out half of ur ornaments XD confused

Anonymous said...

LDR---long distance relationship ~blur ^_^

Annabelle Sinda said...

wait...are u axfangli?=.="no cant be...budak tu ada account..bzzz..n han yin i doubt she remembers my URL

tong ur not BLUR..just slow..(DONT KILL ME xD) maybe its "tatz" looking for HIS FRIEND...OH YA!remember the heart u made for the rotary club..on vday?U DREW A PIC OF ME GRINNING SO BIG...-.-"how cud U...

Anonymous said...

im as blur as tong...whats PG?

Annabelle Sinda said...



Aleckii said...

You have a blog too? Cool! Can I add you in my blogroll? Oh by the way, the poem is from Tang dynasty written by the greatest poet in Chinese history, Li Bai. Ya, it certainly brings a rush of nostalgia to this lonely, home-sick heart of mine. *SOB!*

Annabelle Sinda said...

ah THE BLOGROLL"..sure..i'll add you too once i add ppl into MY blogroll ^.^"

Correct:D Tang dynasty!and ur the very few ppl who actually heard n understood this poem xD And the part where it says "snowy ground" is so reminiscent of Russia eh?*pat pat* dun cry dun cry..ur in FIFTH YEAR ALREADY..ur going back very SOON..I should be the one that's crying:P

kitt said...

hello =P i just wan2 make the number of comments turn into an ODD number.
there! tada! 21 comments XD

Anonymous said...

now EVEN:P


omg..u knw at one moment i reali tot i was tat anonymous but hv forgotten tat i commented on ur post...omg!!!omg!!!don confuse me ok?!!i reali reali hv a very poor memory to u when u r on9..cant think now..


wat PG...where got PG...i was like who's've added him on msn la! on msn..cis

Anonymous said...

what MSN HERE N THERE....AND WHO IS THAT ANONYMOUS??!!!!RARR reveal urself!=p

anyway...PG=bad bad person ;D
u added him on msn?eeee dun encourage him la..what's next.eee


hAhAhA!!!i dunno..i don quite bother him though...coz he nvr reply wat i asked also..cis punya budak ini!!!!Anyways,he got an eng name ok...wat tatz here tatz there..n i still dunno who is tat anonymous..can we kill him/her together?

Annabelle Sinda said...

killing is bad tong..what's his eng name btw..:P u nvr told me his name!!!!!