Thursday, November 01, 2007

From,Russia,Dubai,and China~*

Boredom...the reason im here...typing the time away.....:P blogblogblog..I have forgotten the art of blogging already...where to begin? Pictures are time savers and much more interesting that words no?

pictures coming up
reason why I picked blue?It keeps you calm and patient while waiting for the pic to eh? xD

What I've been up to lately?

Few days before~*(Keeps staring at any blue coloured thing if you're feeling unpatient :) )

Nanning,China.Behind me?Largest bronze drum in the world :D (kononnya la..XD)

Here's a snap from the CAEXPO(China-Asean Expo Trade).The convention centre was gazillion times larger than KL's Convention Centre.Gila besar.Can fit everyone in Kuching inside and still have space to boogie:P ANYWAY...oh yes..Nanning's size is about the size of Kuching...Population?6.5 mil.SARAWAK'S population?3 mil..^^" something to ponder about eh?it's not even their capital city!WE NEED TO REPRODUCE MORE!! =P

Guangzhou airport.where I got quarentined for the fear of spreading H2N1 virus.:P STUPID body heat detector machine...indicated I had fever....=.="Their fever was anything above 36.8.My temp was 37 degrees celcius.=.=shesh.Released after 10 minutes.ish ish ish...IM NOT DISEASED!

Moscow Airport,Russia.

Blue Church,Kursk,Russia.Very mosque like eh?sot.

Info on Kursk: About 970+ years old.History?Where the Germans lost to the Russians.Er apa lagi...famous for their Subs,7 roubles=1 ringgit..which is the cost to go to uni..or anywhere else in town....religion?Ortodox Christians..people who wear a lot of black in church..creepy.Food?Westernish and a lot of potatoes..they sell kitty cats in supermarkets...civet cats.

Memorial Park,Kursk,Russia.eeee sure got lots of hantu here.More than Pak Fad.Wondering what's Pak Fad?Shall get to that soon.Anyway,See those purpled laced shoes?Aih....miss them...tucked somewhere in Russia d.See you soon!someone said..I look like a penguin....=.= cis...


This is Pak Fad Hostel.Short for Pre-medical Hostel.Room number?408(t.Neighbours?Russians and Viet.The bottom bunk's mine.The top one roomate..From Pak Fad Faculty.I assume Pak is pre and Fad is medical so im Fad..:P The one with the cola bottle is my table.^^

Frequent visitors of 408. (from the left: Soya Bean,Ben and Imelda).The night before I left.Oh look a giant suitcase in the middle of the room!

From left...Jet..henry(goodmorning!he says that i need to do my homework..GOOD MORNING..or.*eating*good morning.) and soya bean..

Left:wenkie,Jason and me.I cant tell you why i did that nose pinching thing...something to do with CRABSTICK.if you're REALLY me personally...=p

me and soya bean.a lot of soya beans here..and oh ya!To Duo Tong and anyone who knows Han yin: This is Han Yin's twin!wah..seriously..talks like her..acts like Han Yin...Han Yin more evil la...that's for sure..=P BUT REALLY!HAN YIN I FOUND UR CLONE!Must meet next time^^"(eeee my room really messy)

Recognise this anyone?FINE..EVROPA la...tsk..blur head...

A tree (d'uh).Looks like a wizard head eh?Found this at the memorial park..interesting :D

My room..:P is that a can of sweet corn?=.+


Sunset in Dubai.Pretty eh?=D That is all sand btw^^

EKK my hair...xD Didn't know the desert was that windy!


Anonymous said...

Kit here... ah -.- everything in blogspot is translated to russian.

Here im again too =D
its been a vry long while since u blogged, and yet, the way u made pics and entries so fun to read isnt lost at all XD.
YES!! black Penguin! onk onk! =D Ahh... ur purple laced shoe is well tucked in a safe place XD
Those might be squirrels -.- might be cats if there's world war 3 =P
Hope ur coming back here. can taste my famous vege dish =D i noe u cant wait!
Ur halloween make up is scary x.x
Horror Freak! =P lucky it wasn't long haired samara.
Keep Blogging^^

ps: teach me how to blog interesting-ly =P

Annabelle Sinda said...

Russian blogspot??!U mean cyrillic??!eee cacat:P

squirrels?squirrels are from cat family?cant be...I think must be civet cats..people eat that u know...

teach?U talking to me?:P

Ur cooking?Rather sei:P


eh hahahaha...ya!!!tat girl got a bit of hanyin-ness!!!u wish to go back there is it?juz found out tat watz me email lazy to check ur reply here..lolx..


n ur room is still so ur room..M-E-S-S-Y

Anonymous said...

ano:I dont think her face looks like han yin la...its HER ATTITUDE...but she's less playful than u guys..dun talk during class..:P ah those were the days