Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ouch I'v Been Forked!

Hello! I have been given a task that will decide my future!!!!What would it be??How should I choose it??Feel like Meredith from Grey's anatomy xD should i think like Grey?BLargh Grey's not even real!PLUS She makes lousy decisions!FINN IS BETTER..!!McDreamy is hotter BUT BUT HE LEFT U !!!blarghh!!!!reminder: NOT REAL

Back to earth

Should I be a doc?Is medicine right for me?How would anyone know!how is my decision more right than a flip of a coin?Yeaa i know..coins can't reason..:P Do I enjoy helping people?I should say yes..well that's what everyone has been taught since small right? Well..I don't really enjoy that..blargh what's wrong with me...maybe I've never really helped anyone at all. I enjoy helping anonymously..yes I do..but helping with sick ppl?It doesn really feel like helping really....or because I'm a sadist xD

Next decision is more on the relationship wise...
I've just realised IM AN EVIL WITCH! :P i dont cast spells..no ...but IM EVIL!I only want things i cant have!after that...poof interest lost..what is wrong with meeeeee...Is it "L" that im going thru now?what is "l"?I dont know..gosh..does anyone know?am I in "L"?I have to makea decision soon!I dont wanna be in this dilemma!its choking meeeeee...blarghh...if im having this difficulty deciding..sud be a sign that there's something lacking rite?lacking in "l"?if i dun "l" that person then why am i still attached?the LDR is the cause I guess...but...I guess time will tell..=)


1 comment:

Aleckii said...

This comment may be long overdue now but- I was at that place too. After I finished form 5, I was indecisive. My results suggested that I was better suited for Physics or Chemistry-related subjects. Yet I knew in my heart that for the rest of my life I want to do something- human interaction. The conversations you have with people, helping them get better in anyway possible. It wasn't an easy decision but at the end, I chose to come to Russia.

You have to ask yourself wether this is something you see yourself doing 10 years down the road.

Good luck with your decision!