Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday Morning

Ahh... a slow and quiet sunday has arrived.

My 1st sunday without any control tests the next day. Left only an Aba menye essay (bout myself).

woke up wif misty windows... yep. vry rare since air here is too dry. Dry DRY drying off my skin vry vry fast. Face will crack into half by winter XD

Was lazy-ing back to sleep when... a hand shot out from above the bed pointing a Middle at me.

SO its good morning. waiting for evey1 to wake up so he cud get down and shishi (double decker ladder not arrive yet) He's picked up a strange habit of surprising me from behind and say the F word. then, walk away-.-

Not much today, having cereals while waiting for chin to show up

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so how does henry go up the bed??! without the ladder is bad enuf imelda..without it..impossible..pelik la..

he replaced the good morning with F??=.="

what's that in ur cup?