Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Good evening world!=P
Earlier today me and Annie made a pledge that we shall be kids until 21!Meaning?Not become attached to anyone until 21!(*making second thoughts*) And not be matured..and be as sot as possible! :P (and what can we achieve through this?don’t know really...senseless idea) I’m sure the pros will show eventually..kids are happier group of people right?We’re kids with licence!muahahaha...shall go to her house and play PS!yay.. How did this occur?Because of one of my pics..she said i looked matured and lady like..i shrieked and..tada*vows not to grow up*=P

How did this happen?

...anyway was looking for something to read besides “clinical anatomy”....guess what I stumbled into =D two words!Che Mistry!whee hee hee!

Kimia tingkatan 5 :P I threw the other books but kept all my chem book...too precious.. *hug precious*

Label freeak!=P One page label caught my eye..the one that says "larut" what?what is larut?WHat chapter is larut...

*flipflipflip to "larut" page*

ohhh chehhhh.....now i remember why that page was under "larut"

can figure out why?:P


kitt said...

Ur young ur young ur young!
ur tooooo far away to look mature or old!

Annabelle Sinda said...

I DIDNT SAY OLD!omg...what's wrong with you!Cant u read properly!!=P rarrr...
It's not about ME looking matured...the "we wont grow up that soon thing" came about from a pic which made me look old..not saying im old now and im feeling bad and i wanna reverse it sort of thing..=p we want to sort of be like how we're like now...=P *dizzY*