Friday, January 16, 2009

Eat eat..come eat..dont be shy!

TGIF?Two more days an i'll be in my room at Petula.*sobs*why do I miss home so much?Is it because I don't look forward towards tutorials?I don't mind lecture and jotting notes or eating in class or trying new food.But tutorial?I don't look forward to. I hope my group is the same as last semester's one.They're pretty laid back and fun.Never met for discussion.I find no purpose in it. Although no group if perfect..we do have our differences.But it's not that serious.
Been back in Malaysia for few weeks.about 3 +.Spent few days in KL.another few days in Bangkok and then few days in KL again..Medan...and then Kuching..getting tired of flying.Bbut thinking of flying to Bali this CNY, if anyone wants to go with me.....most people will be busy studying.blek.
Last night went to The Patio met Aricka and Fiona.Both hasn't changed that much.Aricka drove..ok driver..anyways...about Patio?it's an eating place near padungan and Dr Ha clinic...and near Hock Lee...erm i'll give it a 7 to's edible...but nothing amazing to it.I tried the mushroom soup..was homemade.yup definetly was truely homemade and not campbells..not that I have anything against campbells.CAMPBELLS is yummy..=P I also tried the turkey ham potato salad.was..yummy...not enough turkey ham...potato was sufficient..dressing was okay...looks vege is abundant...grated cheese present as i tried the onion's okay...NOT the best onion ring...maybe a 6/10....The restaurant felt too empty...need more warmth.=P I duno...just feels too much space i is OKAY......should have taken some pics...blek.

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