Sunday, March 22, 2009

News from ruang tutorial 3

Be nice. Those words are the words I frequently repeat to myself. To remind me to be nice (obviously). Ever since I came to this place it seems that I’m becoming “less nice”. I definitely blame tutorials for it! You see, it seems that when you’re too nice during tutorials, you lose a lot. Miss out opportunities to speak and stuff. And there’re people who annoy me a lot where they repeat what has been spoken out, or speak out loudly what you have said before, and the most annoying one is where people ask questions they already know the answers to. For example like…. Person A:“why is so and so like this?” ….Person B (who is standing infront of her/his flip chart trying not to be a complete idiot): Erm…erm..not sure. Person A: *smiles* . Leader of that day’s tutorial : “Person A do YOU know the answer?” Person A “ why yes!”*goes up and replaces person B’s place. Omg….if you already know the answer DON’T ASK!!!!Wana hit your head with my Harper’s Illustrated biochem book AAA!!!! It’s better if you say “oh I have some information to add”.and then say it...better.. Rawr…annoying.Can’t wait for my next semester where I get a new tutorial group.GOSH!! My previous tutorial group was 100% more lovely…..they don’t make me want to throw my eraser at them… previous group (B14) was more useful….less waste of time….less no-brain people...what we discuss about was more arranged and organised…not like NOW.RAWR…..OH and SOMEONE actually said…92% of the whole of world population suffers from Diabetes Mellitus Type II…(what the*$@*&$) I kept repeating what she said so that she COULD HEAR what she had said….but she said yea yea…goodness…enough said…headache later…


Tutorial room..lovely place..

Mr/Miss-ask-how-on earth-i would-know-the-answers-to questions


It's annoying sometimes when someone just doesnt stop's fine only if that person has something useful to say..not just repeating what other people say....just we got it already!!!and some people just gives you a headache....don't know why...i call it disoriented speech...almost as bad as a knock on the head...

It's not that i'm against people askin certainly not...I like it when people tells you that there listening...and paying some amount of attention...BUT...please it's irritating when someone asks STUPID NOT do rational...don't be stupid.
Note:sorry if i hurt anyone in this blog.i didn't mean it...just joking yea..=p

Good news: Found a place that sells foreign magazines! Super-duper $$ least RM20 ++ for magazine..where you could get it for like RM10 in Malaysia..or even less!

Today: Had tutorial on Diabetes Mellitus, blahblahblah…didn’t say much…how disappointing…and then….went to Sun plaza….bought DVDs….4 of 2 free 1….about RM5 a piece.quality quite good.not bad….Valkyrie,Wild Child, Confessions of a shophaholic, and The adventures of Food Boy (lol….it has the guy from high school musical in it, not Zac Efron, the other guy, the blond, Sharpay’s brother? Food boy movie was very Disney channel-ish….not bad…I enjoyed it…LOL….about a guy who has super powers! His name is Ezra, who wishes to be noticed, and suddenly he develop this gift where he could magically produce food from his hands,….like make food appear. Then he thinks that this “awesome power” is a curse…goodness…I wish I could do that!!!What food I’ll make appear? Bbq Sweet Corn!or…..bbq plaza…(what’s with the bbq?).. My gosh…I miss bbq plaza…at sunway pyramid….T.T*sob*..blargh…ok ok..back to Petula. I am hungry! Today bibi cooked the “snake like fish!!” AGAIN.MY GOSH…please la…I hate that fish….I don’t really like fried fish..some more snake like fish..I call it prison food..or hospital food. Eeeeewww…….no appetite already….

Okay….better sleep…tomorrow I want to go online!

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