Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas =)

It's Christmas day again!!!=D *cheer*ah..last christmas in Kuching for me for the next 6*optimistic*been celebrating Christmas in Kuching for almost 20!why no spend it somewhere else right?I wont be homefor can count on ME..something something and mistletoes!";D anyway,here are some pictures from my Christmas Eve and Christmas day=)

yay...a page from the hymm book from church(d'uh.of coz from church where else?;D)....went to the christmas eve service..too lazy wake in themorning to go to the early morning one=X..."o little town of bethlehem!" XD

This page again?aiks..;D maybe subconsciously my fav christmas song^^"sang heart out..!Until almost lost voice...NOW that's d spirit of real x'mas!no?
St Thomas' Church!When did they paint the ceiling red?hmm..*blur*

That's me...=P

Christmas day

Gifts from annie...I got the orange one..and Chin got the blue one..(mine better..lalalaala)...we had to pick a gift randomly...mystery gift^^"..desmond got the black one with bunnies..suits,bunny=shy =P

Annie showing off her Christmas gift.a new!*jealous*

tsk tsk..notty notty...Chiamonds..

Again with the face covering!!!Blargh...use anything just to cover their face...dun worry my camera lenses wont crack..aih..hopeless ppl..*cheers*=_="

Orange String!=P it's the one from the spray cans...was everywhere..tsk tsk... sprayed"

Dinner....da de dum..that's about it^^
tata!Hope you had a nice Christmas!=>


kitt said...

Wow! u look rilli cool and and... =D there!
Glad u had fun wif ornaments during Christmas haha.
Well, Christmas here isn't as gd as back home obviously, but ppl here do make it vry lively and really into christmas every yr. Locals mostly orthodox, christmas on 7th jan.
A double celebration! and a triple for New yrs!

ps: U didnt babysit kids with orange sprays tht day rite? XD

Aleckii said...

WOWWW! Look at those dishes on the table... (slobbering...)

Argh!!! So unfair you got to celebrate Christmas at home!

Here's what we had for christmas eve-

Annabelle Sinda said...

i always look cool KIT...=P
(ornamenets=friends,incase anyone is wondering)
NO..theybabysat themselves with orange spray and also white spray=P

unfair?u'll get to celebrate yours very soon..and i'll be the one slobbering^.^"