Sunday, January 06, 2008

Answers for those who questioned..AGAIN and AGAIN

Why Ano ditched "Ano"?
Actually I don't really know...Ano's sort of a childhood name....maybe I've decided it's time to grow up!!People at home still call me to keep it at home only ...Besides Ano sounds like A "no"..or An "o"...not cool eh..sud be..A "cool"=P

Or,perhaps because of someone's gingerbread ....i wish not to be ANO =P

No more Ano then what?
call me..Bei-lay..beylei..hmm havent decided on the spelling yet..sounds like that la..=p

What happened to my friendster?
Killed it(is that right?too violent?) after I got back from Russia few months back.RUssia does something to everyone ..XD actually NOT RUSSIA..was annoyed that i was forced to go home..not easy TO FLY to KURSK YOU KNOW and FLY BACK ALONE airport so airport confusing plus i got used to that place already..and had to go home...zzzz..*pening* AND No i didn't delete YOU from my friendster
account(NAOMI SHOBA).

But why do that to your friendster?
LOL i don't know.i need a psychiatrist XD

What happened to Annie's violin which i murdered?
Hmm actually,I haven't got a clue...remnants somewhere upstairs.....DO you still want it?=P it's still useable u know..just missing a few strings..can still be played..can play twinkle twinkle little star.=P can i keep the bow?;D

When im going off?
Probably middle question is...

Where am I going next?
Not sure yet...*asking myself that question*most likely winter wonderland..but then..added one more option into my list...hmm..

Come back ?But you left that place already!why go back?
Well...I didnt want to go back.After a week of wanting to back I actually felt okay with it.Grew on me probably...and then parents kept asking me to fly back..FINE!Packed things..and said my farewells.But I think they were right.Was a good decision.Because was really sick..vomiting every meal is not that good.;D plus didn't really knw how to cook...which was a must there..since i couldn't really speak russian.There's a japanese restaurant though and thai...but cant live by that alone right?Learnt how to cook rice there!^^thanks to SOya Bean.Didn't know you have to rinse it.And there's the language one speaks much english..apa la...they only speak Russian,german and french.Shopping is very hard if you cant read might end up buying skinned cats.They sell it at supermarkets^^interesting..PELIK..really weird country.Erm..that's it..ya..hopefully in march i'd be more prepared.At least can cook a simple meal..starting my russian classes tomorrow..."yay"...Oh ya..why that place again?Well im quite familliar with it it's in europe...every year can fly back to m'sia using different flight paths=P

What happened to John John?
Was put to sleep on 31st of dec date..din make it to 2008..i mean...*sob*

I think that's about it....



kitt said...

I'm pulling tht stupid post off.
tq for ur comments.
no1's forcing u to come here.
every1 comes here like u, dunno anything, no idea no english, sick, probably worse than urs etc.
Im oni pinning up a point tht tis place is a place for docs to be with of coz, like every single place has,
|their pros and cons.
And im ur close fren and im willing and happy to help u the best i can if u come here. thts all.

Annabelle Sinda said...

i didn't say i was forced to go properly.Was FORCED TO GO BACK.geez.I'm just answering that particular question..not saying im forced to go back..=_=""""

putting it off?now i have to edit my post!Kelvin asked me yesterday whether we have a "thing"...dun like that entry because it confuses other ppl..okay?

yes im gratefulto have someone as helpful as you are=D not eating your cooking though


eeeiiii,my apple tasted funny..(ignore this..i was eating apple when i read this)...

chill guys,chill!!anyways,ano!!haha..i feel like killing FB though...belly!!sounds like belly button!!but isn't belly wat i used to call u as?!!wheee!!i was wondering wat is bey-lai...awwwww(perasan me.but still!!)

Annabelle Sinda said...

I was eating apples too last night!!*gasp*we are mentally connected XD (i had two last night..duno why had the urge to keep muching apple middle of the night)

BELLY BUTTON???did i tell u about a pink bear i had called belly button the ballerina bear!=P

U called me belley?Since when?=P Maybe at times when i was ignoring talk too much..some times have to be ignored=P (jk jk)

anyway it's BEi-lay not BELLY...koff Tong Sampah..
what's FB?*blur*

Aleckii said...

Bey-lay sounds... odd... How about bay-lee? At least it's half the name of a cute pokemon (with a piece of leaf oh her forehead). bey lay, bey lai... bay lee still sounds best.

Chill chill... Frown less and smile more, the world will be a happier world then.

It's tough, definitely to rough it out 6 years here. But then, like I said, having the right friends make all the differences. If I was alone, I wouldn't have lasted even a semester. So you guys should stick together, tauk tak?

Eh, you want crash course in cooking? when you arrive I should be damn free also, afternoon lectures also no seniors attend... what if I organize 'Kel's Kooking Klass' then you guys can come over belajar some new recipe every week.

Then can makan makan also.

(Wishful thinking, most likely in the afternoon I end up napping than anything)

Annabelle Sinda said...

bay-lee?pokemon?lol...sounds like May-Lee..neh the woman who has her own talking show...Asia's Oprah.bay-lee sounds like smelly!dun wan la dun wan... Ur name is Aleikii..not weird ka?who are u to judge my name!! XD

I didn't say it was easy!okaaaay?Yup at least i have few friends there d...should be a good thing.Maybe i sud make friends with mama WAY..creepy

Kel's Kooking Klass in Kursk for Kooki Kruisers!k-awesome!haha..sleeping?'s alrite then.we dun want to disturb ur sleep...just take some of ur food before dinner then ;P

Oh ya..was thinking of buying ur ps2..but since u brought it back to kch d...*sigh*

Aquavires said...

Sounds a bit like how Aussies say "Billy" ^^;;

What's the other option? *kepo*

Aquavires said...

*reads properly*
Oh... RIP John John...

saykhia said...

Wahhh. I guess I should change your link in my blog then. Let me know when you've finalized the spelling!

Annabelle Sinda said...

Billy?omg..ur right it is aussie BILLY....ewwwwww!!!i dun like billys..(from grim and adventures)..why did u have to say that!now i dont like it anymore..aiya..what's wrong with u...

other options eh..hmm..haven't got one eh..

Anna=too innocent,old and english

Belle=Too girly

Annabelle:TOO LONG (even my mentor complained)

How about Syn?Short and simple:p

but its BEY-LAY..not Bi-LEI(aussie billy)

Saykhia:alright shall inform u....haha

Aquavires said...

Oops sorry, didn't mean to spoil it for you. It IS quite different though... and orang Kuching/Russia probably won't be thinking of Billy if you tell them your nickname.

Alternatively, you could try Azza (Aussies throw away the 2nd syllable onwards, and add a "za" to names) or A-B (pronounced "Ey-Bee") ^_^

By "option", I meant your option under question #7, actually.

Annabelle Sinda said...

A-B..A-B..uuuu interesting..hahaha...ppl will end up calling me "A" (ei,ei,ei..ei)..or..(eiiii B)and isn't A-B short for Abigail?^^"

azza?aza aza gambatte! XD

they add "za-s"to names?that's strange...?Koh-za?what-za?


im sticking to Bei-lei...

Bei..bei..Hey bei..bei is nice!no?yes?no?bei..bei..=P

Aquavires said...

Haha, Bei-lei it is then. How 2 spell, ah?

Or just Bei? Bay? Baye? Bei-Bei (tribute to John John)?

Doesn't work with Koh... but e.g. Jeremy -->Jezza

Annabelle Sinda said...

tribute to John John?WHATXD John John's name was a tribute itself..tribute to John John Kennedy Jr when he died from the helicopter crash..Cant tribute a name to a tributed name :P

It's either Bei-lei...Or Bei...

hey Jezza's actually a nice name!nice to say also..Jezza..Jezzabella=P..

Bezza..Azza Sizza

Aquavires said...

Hehehehe... just blog your final decision to let everybody know lah... xD

Aleckii said...

What? I've been using Aleckii since form 1 and this is the first time it's been called stupid... Aih... I feel my heart reaping apart... Ouch, retrosternal chest pain! Retrosternal chest pain!

Annabelle Sinda said...



I didn't say it was stupid =P

I said WEIRD...means ur meaning of "weird" is STUPID!U saying my name is stupid now? HEY....

Monkey Aleckii...hahaha..=X

Form 1?haha.wahhh...that's a very long time ago..=P ok ok..

another announcement blog?=P lol..get ready ur confetti =P

Anonymous said...

yoh~ me again. whahaha... ermm.. wad to do... looking tru your blog again.. haha.. i guess you dont mind, right? haha. Anyway, yea, you may keep the bow, it's new tho! T_T and there's like two there. if i have the bow, no violin. what can i do with it. I'll just buy myself a better one next time. lol what should i do. For your name, i guess Anna? i like Anna and i think Anna is a great name. Well, i'm not sure whether i'll used to called you that. havent try tho. ha ha. Will you respond to Anna? Cheers, Anna!

Annabelle Sinda said...

ANNA HERE!!!*responded* dang..forgot we used to call u cannibal..since annie so grown up d..and no longer bites ppl's arm..or any other body part...bitten anythng else besides arms?:P


so what are u using now?didn't check ur blog for long...i had an apple today too!


u still ignore me now,don't you?