Wednesday, January 30, 2008

YAY!!! =D...............booooooo!!!!!!=|

Say hello to my new yellow friend!Isn't it adorable?Almost as adorable as the owner kofff..:P I just got it yesterday^_^Couldn't drive it too far road tax n no P sticker..drove around BDC police bah..what are the chances of police being in BDC?very low....:P anyway..I know some ppl find plastic wrapped seats are annoying...(my sis does...what's her prob! ) but i intend to keep it there as long as possible...=> My love's too precious..


Here's it's back.....^.^yeelllooowwwww pooweerr!Who chose this colour?ME..was either black or yellow or red..mum didnt approve black...said it's dangerous:P uh also bad...camouflage...silver..also bad..can really be seen..adeh...not much choice left.This car doesnt come in it is then:D The plate number was even harder to choose.Was supposed to be 999..then mum said no coz 999 has to do with "emergency or ambulance" said.."sick sick sick..n devil's number..very ah beng-ish"...adeh..


Ah..this is is hind wheel...YES IT'S A SCRATCH....A BIG BIG SCRATCH..the horrro..oh my darling yellow thing....*screams*!T.T..mum bang the car into a wall while driving out's 2nd drive...2 day's old...haih..*sob*....thank goodness the impact wasn't that hard..if not..*poof*6 air bags xD....*touch wood*...hmm...any suggestions to fix this?MARKER?:D spray paint?:D crayola?:D.... glitter glue!!!eeeee!!


Anonymous said...

yoh~, new car!!! Very cute one indeed, but, sayang kena scratch already. Good thing is quite hidden. LOL

kitt said...

Try using dark yellow colored pens^^"

Nice car and wow nice plate "GAL"
2nd day got liddat di aiyooo... painPain.
therefore u sud drive her around instead haha.
Get tax sticker and P quik!
yesss... my private transport in Kch has comeee

kitt said...
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kitt said...

HEyyyy!!! i tot i was the 1st person to drop a comment. so fast! -.-"

Annabelle Sinda said...

Annie88,quite hidden..BUT not hidden enough =(..

coloured pens?hmm we'll see :P at least not as bad as UR CAR..she's should have carved her name into ur car isntead of ur name..more kewl..^_^"

drive her around?she wud nvr let me...until now haven't drove the car with her inside...adeh.. you around??what am i a taxi?(same colour though)..must charge you..:P

Aleckii said...

... A kancil... Unfair! I want a car too!

sTar PoWEr said...

Is it a kancil??=.+ It loooks like one but...fine nvm....:P u've been away from msia for too long!

Anonymous said...

HEY!!!how come im star power??!!the previous comment was made by @rtificially wick3d..