Monday, February 04, 2008

How about rolling oranges down a slope?

YES!Last day of russian class tomorrow!But still...I should celebrate yet....3 hours on verbs is a bit too much.Don’t know whether the headache i’m having is from Russian verbs,specs or perhaps i caught a bug somewhere..somehow..hmm...Haih..I have to go shopping tonight..lazy to drive!!!Especially at night!!I don’t like driving at night.A bit “buta ayam”(chicken blind..or blind chicken)..I dun really trust my night judgements!Don’t want risk cute:P must keep cute away from all dangers!Including my mum!:P Okie here’s in my shopping list given by my mum(she’s in kl can’t buy): Oranges in box!(simple no problem i see oranges everywhere)...but sweets ones? don’t know!How would i know if it’s sweet or not?squeeze it?soft oranges are sweet right?should be.Sniff it?hmm..oranges all smell like oranges..throw it into the air?Sweet ones fly higher :D

Orange angel =D

anyway,next on list: kuih bakul..(sticky sweet thing that’s almost impossible to cut through)
this is a "kuih bakul"..:P

...and next is:acar...(preserved cucumbers,carrots,shrimps,chilli,vinegar and...etc) ...yup those three things..maybe I should buy them from Spring.Easier to park than everrise.less uncivilised drivers.Not saying BDC ppl are uncivilised drivers..just that SOME people who drive there is not civilised:P Like go against the arrow...especially the road near HnL..rar..its a one way road!!and duno how to use signal..ish ish ish...anyway...must stop criticising other people’s driving...because im no better:P or see i drive really really slow..40km per hour is my normal speed..tsk tsk..imagine 40 km per hour on right lane...tsk’s alright i don’t mind being honked at...SAFETY FIRST!!go ahead honk least im SAFEEE!!!:P ah i learnt also that must avoid driving lorries,and buses..because they always stop at the wrong place..wrong time..shesh. and bro said don’t honk tinted car...or any car...later the person from that car will break ur car window:P lol..alrite..keeping that in mind....
*sniff*aih i have blocked nose..NOOO!!!cant be!Im going to Damai this thurs!I had my flu vaccination this year d!what is this!!!I musn’t get sick..gona eat vit c later...tsk tsk bad habit...I only eat my vits when im sick..lazy no..more like SCARED.Too tramautised after i choked on panadol when i was small:P and chocked on heart chocolates xD ..ANYWAY...tata..hmm cant go visiting this year..aiks so red bling bling...can I have a pre CNY visit?:P and one more strange thing..rabia’s drug junkie friend is talking to me..sud i be very afraid?YES!and oh yes haven’t posted Malacca trip pics.woopsie^_^


kitt said...

Drug junkiee? Tell me bout it haha =P
Nice post. u got tht orange part rilli hilarious haha.
Drive carefully and have fun^^

Annabelle Sinda said...

alrite i will..except for the FUN part!drug junkie eh..duno how i got introduced to him pulak..*blames rabia*

Aquavires said...

Get well soon!

How to tell if it's sweet? Dunno wor. Hmm... but you know how the durian sellers always chop open a sample for people to try before they buy? Ask the orange sellers to give youa sample lah. XD

I thought the arrows in Kuching were there for people to go against, anyway? =P

Aww, Bey has a drug junkie admirer... ^_^ (speaking of which... have you finalised the spelling yet??? =P)

Annabelle Sinda said...

I'm well d =>

Ppl like me don't have admirers^_^" Don't know what's his motive!hmm..

Shesh..since when arrows are there to go wonder someone doesnt have his licence yet huh..

Oh it's Bey..BeyLei..=P Sinda BeyLei...