Thursday, February 07, 2008

D@mai tr!p on CNY

Well,firstly I should say Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate..and happy holidays for those who don't!May the rat year bring you happiness and prosperity!Rat..eeee..kinda eee that a year is after a RAT..scavanging animals that bring eee diseases!Maybe it's because rats are strong animals I guess...can live anywhere and eat anything..a quality rats should be proud of I guess.and for those we are born in the year of the dragon?well.."they"(feng-shui say we'll have a great year!yay!I hope so..but not so great for those born in the year of horse..(uh huh).:P Anyway enuf of sot and know it all feng shui's how I welcomed the squeak-licious furry cheesy year..=P

What more proper way to celebrate then to MUNCH.CRUNCH.SWALLOW.Food unites everyone anytime!:P

Soup+cherry+inside coffee cup.How can anything be more perfect than that!=>

Yee Sang:For decoration purposes.Not edible.looks like arts and craft.taste like one.Ekk!



Oranges!No new year is a new year without ORANGES!(incase you're wondering,yes they're sweet!yay=> )

Happy People! :P

And after the lunch....straight to the beach we went!wheeee....

Here we are!At the entrance.yay.

The beach at 10am.There's Juon and her mummy!

Look at what my cousin found!Giant lala!Yay.

Tried to make mermaids tail from sand.But this is the closest we got.Ah well.BOO!

Cath and I at the beach.So tiny^^

My sand pig!What's with the face?It's sunny!what to do:P

Cath and I.AGAIN.

That's Camillia.Leaving her mark on the sand.OI!pijak my name huh?!ish ish ish.It says : Camillia,Ano-Belle 7/2.

Pair of feet chilling whilst looking at the sea.Ahh...

*SNAP*very hard to smile directly into the sun ^.^"

Hand.Mighty Strong hands!Meant and born to build mighty sand castles!!

Lion dance!

Juon trying to pull lion's tail off.

Up the lion goes!

Lions' behinds.:P

Woops.Lion broke the hotel's flower vase.Is that an omen?:P


kitt said...

Lion's behind XD hahaha. gd pic description.
Eh why u always throw ur carrots away!
see on the table di. cut them into small pieces. easier to eat =P
w8... i had to look at the soup twice.
was tht cherry a self additional add-on?

Annabelle Sinda said...

I don't throw my carrots away..I give them to my niece or yoko..or whoever wants it..:P im giving it something is good right?see i'm doing something GOOD.:P

Of coz self add...who on earth eats soup with cherries :P not right...not right at all!

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