Wednesday, May 14, 2008

La la la la....*brush away dust* uuuuu.....nice effect from the scattering of light from the light reflected in many normals from the dust particles^_^ what a pretty view!anyways....preparing for my exam..die die...DIE....can't use calculator...must memorise all the square roots!so fun^_^manage to memorise until square root 10 only...should be sufficient...=P now must memorise all the logs...^_^so much fun!memorise all the sin and cos and tangen already...*cheer*so FUN....anyways..thinking what to do tomorrow...what should I eat..Mc Donalds again?NO WAY...later bump into someone's best friend...WE DONT LIKE YOU)...anyway..where was I...Oh d again?Should I try Mega mac?(bigger version of big mac)....If i try...must know where's the nearest hospital.hmm...risk of jaw being dislocated very high eh....dangerous..anyway....I'm very BORED...astro not working because someone misplaced the new astro simcard...(simcard???like handphone?is that how it's called?)
OH..watched Ironman and WHat happened in vegas the other day...Ironman...better than expected...just wonder why the villian's iron suit is so much bigger than the other guy's suit..shesh..and I think the shiny thing on his chest was KEWL...didn't really want to watch it because wasn't and ISN'T a fan of the actors and the actresses.dont remember why really..but it was pretty OKAY...better than what happened in vegas...although the latter was less stressful...hmm cameron lookssss old !epp...and ashton...ish..idiot..=P

kk that's it for now..tata!(mELON HEAD)


Anonymous said...

interesting post. havent seen 1 in ages.
best fren... org Hitam kaaa.
he ask few ppl for lunch i heard.
wats wit melon head! keep drawing tht in class aaa

Annabelle Sinda said...

only genius can draw melon....=P

Chemical Apple said...

its alive lol....haha...
ingatkan dah goodbye.. i wonder who intro-ed me to blogging..sigh...
apa punya exam tat susah? the entry exam ka? punca kuasa and tan sin coz pun need to memorize...gila..
and you call it FUN? U sure u know what the word Fun means?????

Annabelle Sinda said...

YA..all the punca kuasa,sin cos tan values..and other trigo...and some log...nuts...stupid entrance exam...maybe i sud be a dentist..=P sounds MORE FUN..stupid la...why so hard...T.T plus keluar stpm maths..i only know spm math ( XD ) so sad la....only G-O-D can help now.^-^