Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just installed the Ipod touch software ...stupid money faced apple!....they should have made it free!since we bought their product d...But I shouldn't have bought it...^_^" but i couldn't refrain myself!!!TOok me sooo long to download...RARRR!!!!anyway it looks so cool! $9.95 and you can download everything else..My favourite application should be the "ipint" thing turn's your ipod into a pint of beer..long story^-^" hard to's so cooooolllll...anywayssss whoever is thinking of downloading it...JUST DO IT!it's worth it........
Oh...and i'll be on the 8th of Aug 2008...1 pm....(yippeee) and coming back in december....yea yea..won't be skipping Christmas :)....I'll be home for Christmassssssss...OK!SNAP OUT OF X-MAS MOOD! Oh and to kah yee..Hi!And To T.E.G don't know when I'm going back to Kuching...but very soon.and to Distal Convoluted Tubule.."hi!!!I've cut my hair"^-^" yea yea i know "Cheh" done..Dasvidaniya!


Anonymous said...

Zzzzz.... you didnt even reply my sms .

Annabelle Sinda said...

Because it was hard to tell when im going back ^_^" SO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....then after thinking about it...forgotten to reply d...XD yea i know it's silly..=O

Anonymous said...

DCT is tong?? XD
Ahh i love christmas...
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing too,

Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you XD

Chemical Apple said...

8th august? ur bday rite?
celebrating thr la?..
neway have fun...

Annabelle Sinda said...

Celebrate..right=P No birthday cake also..sad case =P

Hush kitty..jgn bising...=P