Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hello World.
Been very busy.hee.Anyways.This week’s tutorial was a-okay. The facilitator was nice. Not some crazy lecturer this time. Well it’s just the 1st tutorial of the week. Ca’t judge the lecturer until the second week.
This block( the third block) hasn’t been that interesting yet..the most interesting was probably the second lab which was Pathology Lab..Introductory class still..walked around the lab.watched the lab assistant cut up a uterus of a very sick person >_<>_<..cut it up….pour some oily liquid out.was as big as a mango…..gigantic..but the man said it’s not the biggest he has seen..okiieeeee…anyways…

Thoughts about people here: Epp.people here crazy like nuts…it’s not even that near to exam.. but they’re studying from sunset to sunrise..crazy crazy….I seem to be the laziest among them..=P oh and people from the hostel seem to like to play games and order a lot of Mcd during exam…and Too Kai Ying sleeps a lot during exam….same with me. Why?oh why? Cannot be explained by science, it’s due to nature.

Thoughts about food: Generally spicy.Pizza hut is yummy here. KFC here is an insult. Mc Donald here is okay..has rice in its menu..strange..=P

Thoughts about transport: Cheap.BUT,don’t like it.there are no buses here..just beca and those mini vans..strange right…and people here overuse the honk. ANNOYING.

Thoughts about the weather: the food.Cold when it rains.

Thoughts about the malls: hmm….Good enough…at least bigger than Kuching’s mall.(I miss The Spring)

Stuff aren’t here: 100 plus , ribena, 7/11 shop,Alcohol 70 % to clean hand,

New stuff coming up: Hagen Daaz shop. New hospital. New uni wing.

Note to self: Study harder! Don’t sleep too much!!

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