Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Phew..got myself out of a problem there.Thank goodness:) Was worrying all day long.Thought i lost my tiny mind..just needed something to erase it..=P and all is FIXED.for now.i hope..i hope it's permanent.It's just not the right time....or right human...right year.all wrong..right number...right colour or alphabet...just WRONGGG=P

It's 1 am....time to study peripheral system...i hate CNS block,it's so much work really...requires thinking...and larger brain capacity...HELP!


Chemical Apple said...

oh come on..regular post will ya...
medical student's life supposed to be intersting than a chem eng student rite? hehe

Chemical Apple said...

btw devan here... blueapple is dead...

Annabelle Sinda said...

What happened to Blueapple!!!CHem eng eh?wahhh....best nye....it is interesting.but lazy to type..and limited internet..line so slow.T,T