Saturday, March 28, 2009

News from ruang tutorial 3

Greetings from Medan…
Today I had tutorial…..and it was the best tutorial ever!One thing is because I got to be the secretary. It’s good to be the secretary because you see, you are holding the marker and have priority to write on the board. So anything comes into you head, raise up your hand, don’t bother standing up because you’re up already and write you heart out! And for my group the secretary today decides what we’re going to talk about…..the guideline of what we talk about. This is a MUST in my present group. As our group tend to go in circles…and jump here today.I realized a guideline doesn’t mean a “guided” tutorial. But it did help.What else was good today?I actually had something to say!Not only one but more than one! I actually read my Medical Physiology book during class ( I always study in class..self studying….) .not bad not bad….I had other references….Kai Ying, Lau, Astrawinata, and etc …but Too Kai Ying’s info is always incomplete whenever her reference is from the lecture. She’ll say dot dot dot and then..the important part I could hear during class..(aiya..=.=”). She says she always misses out the important parts of her points.Funny human…;D ALrighy…..only one thing didn’t go well during tutorial! They laughed at me including the tutor, because all my references was from one ganong….then they said don’t you have other books..and they’ll say..”Let me guess Ganong again?”ish ish ish…..cilaka…Oh and my learning issue for the day is : Diagnosis/ test…YESHH.easiest one..^.^”
More on "life inside the "ruang tutorial" "

Some humans are like a recorder machine!

Sometimes I dream of doing this..."snooze"..SLEEPING and NOT DEAD...that's saliva coming out from the mouth not BLOOD!!

TUtorial is full of drama!!!
Thoughts and Feelings a.k.a choco chip of the day :
1.Happy because it’s a happy day..and no rain….and had a long nap.
2. Very full from dinner.STUFFED………I feel that I suddenly turned into an apple shape….talking about apple..why apple?ball shaped is a nicer way to describe it..or round shaped..why fruits? I’m definitely an apple…..=p

3. What’s up with someone…been acting strange...
4. I don’t like ikan lele..
5. Don’t feel like studying now…..aiya…why why…..
6. I still don’t like carrots….
7. Need to put clothes into suitcase….
8. Do ERP on Monday……!!!
9. Exam in 1 week….


Chemical Apple said...

i'm an apple....not u la...
u orange cookie...mwahahaha

Annabelle Sinda said...

U durian la u...=p y orange??

Chemical Apple said...

coz i dont want u to be an apple...

kaiying said...

how can?? m i a funny human?? yoo... means i din really study ma... so my info always incomplete.. hv 2 study harder~~