Sunday, January 03, 2010

Hong Kong Trip

Few weeks ago....I had a trip to Hong Kong!!Erm...on christmas eve my family and I flew to HK. It was a 3 hour flight from KL. I brought my "urban legend" jacket. I called it that because it looks like the jacket the murderer wears in that movie!Cool or not? On the plane, I watch this movie which I like!It's a classic..involves chocolate...lots and lots of's called Chocolat...feel asleep half way through the movie though...I was tired okay..very tired..!!!Anyways.....3 hours later...I landed in HK!Excited wo....haha....Thoughts that ran through my head?hmm..wonder how's the weather?Cold?From the window...looks cloudy..must be much be cold!Thank goodness I brought my "urban legend" jacket!First impression of any country will be based on its airport.It's like the preview of the country...Here is a glimpse of HK.....

Alright...the airport was nice....Had that warm feeling.Lots of airports have that "cold" the airport back home..KLIA..maybe because KLIA has white lighting..and not carpeted... :P anyways....alright here I HK airport...looks a bit like..Thailand airport!..hmm...anyways....

Is that starbucks?YES IT IS!:D first starbucks I saw in HK!awesome!No time to stop there to have coffee though...= .but even if i had time I wont order coffee also..i'll order green tea latte...Hmm...I still wonder how does green tea latte taste like in HK...regret didn't try....anyways..this part of the airport...the ceiling is a bit higher...

OK.....check your you know which side to go to..hmm..and below that you have a toilet!so convenient!:P time at the moment?1.45pm!

The worse part of any trip to anywhere would be the immigration place...I hate passing through ruins the whole "holiday" have to wait in line..short line is fine..but super long line...and usually the immigration fellow isn't friendly at COOL!!The one in HK isn't that bad...quite alright...the line wasn't that long..and they work fast....probably the worse was Canada when they willl scrutinise you and ask loads of questions!!Security is super tight....makes you so tired after mood anymore...aiyo..alright..let's proceed.In HK the counter was divided into "Macao citizen, HK permanent residence, HK citizens, and Visitors"....the line was first..there's one line..that leads to other lines...that ONE line..will break into several lines...each will lead to different different types of passports you have..!So be careful...later end up in wrong line and then....need to line up again..aiyo....

USually it's "do not litter"..but here...a sign for smoking!!!!I was so happy to see that....back home...they would place the picture only...and no fine written..but fine!YAY...perfect....HK$5000..that's around RM2500...and..I noticed something while in HK..there are so little people who smokes!Something that I really like and admire about this place..!!Can actually count with my fingers how many people who smokes in whole HK...awesome!

This is the waiting's a bit of details on the is also known as Chek Lap Kok Airport....born in 1998...HKIA is currently the third largest airport passenger terminal building in the world!erm...I think that is all I know..:P

Snow man and Santa!!!HK ppl seem to be really into Christmas!and there's even a person dressed up as a Christmas tree....that would be an interesting job..wonder how much is the pay?I would really want to dress up as doraemon....or can of coke ...or a big mac....or...french fries....130013100..(I am hungry now..okay?)

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